Melaaromile Network Solutions LLC- your local ATM provider
Melaaromile Network Solutions LLC- your local ATM provider


Some Statistics:

- in 2012, more than 50% constituted the middle class; more than 25% the lower class. The upper middle class was more than 10% strong, and the super riches were in the lower 1-3% bracket. In ten years, the upper middle class is expected to be representative for more than 50% , wheras the middle class may shrink to around 20%. The lower class is supposed to shrink to around 15%. The super rich class can approach the 10% stake of the population.

- The majority of the middle class ( more than 80% ) has been present in the coastal regions of China. This is expected to change, with people fleeing the urbanization and smog plagued grande villes: in ten years, almost 40% of the middle class is exptected to be present in rural/inland China ( source: WSJ, OCtober 2015 )

Where to Find Us:

Melaaromile Network Solutions LLC
P.O. Box 4302

Wichita Falls, TX 76310

Phone: 940 3373539

What's New

Work in the Alps,on a farm and live/eat for free in return-= check it out under the travel tab...

empty charter legs- check it out!


Are you a Space Junky? Go check out millions of public accesssible pictures:


Do you know what episodic memory is and what its susceptibility to failure can lead to? Its failure is normally called Amnesia, or worst case: "AD- Altzheimers"


Quantum Computers are coming!


Acreage with Blueberry and Goji berry groves


TBD- promotions and affiliates


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