Melaaromile Network Solutions LLC- your local ATM provider
Melaaromile Network Solutions LLC- your local ATM provider


-- two main demographic branches: Sunni and Shiite Musims

-- 7th Century, death of Islam's prophet Mohammed. Mohammed's successor to be chosen through consultation: selectee= father of Mohammed's wife= "caliph" a.k.a. leader of the new muslim world. However, others wanted to follow the believe that Mohammed intended his cousin and son-in-law Ali to be the rightful heir, a blood relative. The disagreement led to war. Shiites= followers of Ali, Sunnis= the people of the tradition of Mohammed and the consensus of "Ummah"= Islamic world.

--- Sunnies achieved dominance in numbers, wealth and power. The Sunnies of the Ottoman empire controlled the caliphate for centuries until basically WW I.

--- The Ottoman empire got divided by the Allied Forces into nations ( with friendly leaders ): Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia etc. Sunni and Shiite communities were forced together, with motly Sunni's as leaders in variou poitions of power.

-- Sunni Muslims are majority in Syria. Royal families of the Persian Gulf oil sheikdoms. Sunni dominate Al Quaida. Sunni dominated Egypt. Libya. Turkey. Jordan. Kuweit. Qatar. U.A.E. Saudi Arabia.

-- Assad= Alawite sect/Shiite. Shiite theocracy of Iran. Hezbollah. Shiite heavy Iraq. Lebanese Alawites. Bahrain.

( source: USA Today, May 30th 2013 )



-- a beautiful country with a rich cultural history- a "must go" destination plus future world economic focus point


-- South Sea Conflict, why? Nation's history of viewing neighbors, especially those wo are untouched by Chinese culture, as inferiors: Thus, China is entitled to possession of this sea

--- through history there were visits of chinese sailors ignoring Non- Chinese people in adjacent countries. But thos inhabitants were the predominant traders across this sea. Until recently no direct impact on this whole region.

--- First foreign impact was from India with Hinduism and Buddhism. Next were Arabs and Persians bringing Islam and goods. Then came Europeans with the Spice trade...

-- "Han superiority" complex: still widespread belief in uniqueness of Chinese genes, and rejection of "out of Africa" thesis of human descent.

--- Han expansion during the Qing dynasty 17th-20th century by sheer mass of population; into Manchu, Mongol and Turkic lands- todays demography preventing this ( too many old people )

-- China claims it as South Sea, Vietnam the East Sea, Phillipines the West Phillipines Sea. The first Europeans ( Portugal ) knew it as Cham Sea after the Hindu state ( absorbed by Vietnam ). Malay Sea after the Malays of Malaysia, Indonesia and the Phillipines.

-- China only occupies about 1/4 of the sea's shoreline- rest goes to Vietnam, Indonesia, the Phillipines, Brunei and Malaysia

-- occupation of the area due to strategic positioning and manifest destiny

--- Paracel Island conflict


Where to Find Us:

Melaaromile Network Solutions LLC
P.O. Box 4302

Wichita Falls, TX 76310

Phone: 940 3373539

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