Melaaromile Network Solutions LLC- your local ATM provider
Melaaromile Network Solutions LLC- your local ATM provider


Duolingo- Learn languages for free! Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and German!

German International school of Dallas


-- Michaela Ward, Director

-- also: "ZfA": Deutsche Auslandsschularbeit Intl.

-- German Language Diploma "DSD" and "DSD II"

-- German language advisors

-- Anke Fehling/




 Honorary Consul Mr. William H. Hart



Liebe Freunde, we are proud to announce the 2nd Maibaumfest in Wichita Falls, on Saturday May 3rd 2014! It will be located again next to Opa's Schnitzelhaus, across the East side of Sikes Senter Mall! Come on over and enjoy the beautiful Maibaum, which was first installed- the first of this kind in Northern Texas!- in 2013. THere will be German authentic food, music and other items- and DO NOT FORGET to kiss your beloved one underneath the Maibuam, as it will bring you luck and happiness. Lets gather around the Maibaum 2014 and celebrate... Below you see a picture of the Maibaum 2013.


TBD: Trachtengruppe

TBD: Tanz in den Mai

TBD: Food license

TBD: Maikoenigin

Local Oktoberfest in Northern Texas/Oklahoma


- Tulsa Oktoberfest/, a non profit entertainment- including German Movie night, Krug Carry, Bier Barrel Race, Strong Stein, Dachshund Dash, Corporate Night, Der Lufthansa Biergarten, Das Jugendzelt- entertainment for kids. (Tonya Carrigg ). German Bands like Kasplattnrockr, Penny's Oktoberfest Project, Celle Fire Blaskapelle from the sister city of Celle.

1st Christkindlmarket of Wichita Falls 2014


TBD: final date and time

TBD: geroestete Nuesse, Crepes mit Nutella, Waffeln mit Himbeeren und Sahne, Schupfnudeln, Wuerstchen mit Sauerkraut, Schnitzelwecken, Lebkuchen, Weihnachtsgebaeck, Butterbrezn, Gluehwein, Jaegertee.

TBD: Honigkerzen, Bastelstube, Schals, Weihnachtsbaumschmuck, Santa Green, Holztafeln, Kaethe

TBD: final location

TBD: donations for "1000$ club".

GACWF April 2013.docx
Microsoft Word document [69.3 KB]

Where to Find Us:

Melaaromile Network Solutions LLC
P.O. Box 4302

Wichita Falls, TX 76310

Phone: 940 3373539

What's New

Work in the Alps,on a farm and live/eat for free in return-= check it out under the travel tab...

empty charter legs- check it out!


Are you a Space Junky? Go check out millions of public accesssible pictures:


Do you know what episodic memory is and what its susceptibility to failure can lead to? Its failure is normally called Amnesia, or worst case: "AD- Altzheimers"


Quantum Computers are coming!


Acreage with Blueberry and Goji berry groves


TBD- promotions and affiliates


Coming soon, under construction

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