Melaaromile Network Solutions LLC- your local ATM provider
Melaaromile Network Solutions LLC- your local ATM provider

"INspire and LEAD"- be IN LEAD all the time










___DO NOT CONFUSE mere ACTIVITY  ( texting, tweeting etc. ) with the DISCIPLINE AND CONSISTENCY  required to reach GOALS


How often do you find yourself moaning and groaning about any object, subject, matter, human being?

"INspire and LEAD"- be "IN LEAD"! For any problem there is opportunity and...a missing solution!


1. You know that many humans

2. Do you know that only an estimated 10% of U.S. citizen actually understand what they read?

3. Do you belong to the 3% of these 10% who actually will persevere, insist and... change, thus be IN LEAD?


Each road intersection has at least one exit; the regular four way intersection has four corners-in each one lays an opportunity! Remember: "There is enough opportunity for everyone out there, it just goes to the next one in line if you don't grasp it!" Check it out and open your eyes to understand, grap the opportunity and make it happen- be IN LEAD!


Humans have a set of powerful instruments- the human eyes. DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU SEE?


--- We will help you understand and become a leader!

--- Start writing your personal goal(s) on your bathroom mirror- or cut out the object of interest you saw in the newspaper- you will be amazed how it will "infiltrate" your thoughts until total accomplishment...

--- Do you know you ARE in charge of your CIRCLE OF LIFE? See below...if any of the key items of human life is not in synch ( lack of nutrition, stress at work, unhappy you, lack of fitness, your circle will start to wobble and ovalize, thus rolling uneven and wobbly through life- the result is always catastrophic in many ways and forms- YOU CAN STOP THIS, do NOT blame others but YOURSELF, it was and is YOUR CHOICE- even if the choice was made 20 years ago...


-Key words- for future editing


--Integrity-Commitment-Communication skills-Create-Team-Trusting-Winning mentality-Sucess on your mirror


--Anstand-Bescheidenheit- Nachhaltigkeit- Dankbarkeit- Fairness: menschliche Werte- tadel Wildwuchs und Gier einer Branche- nach Gewinn treben gleichzeitig oekologisch und soziale Belange im Blick behalten- freies Unternehmen brauch Grenzen- Irrtum: der Glaube, dass weniger Regulierung mehr sei- Grenzenlosigkeit ermoeglicht einigen wenigen Profiteuren unerhoerte Hoehenfluege, das Gros der Menschen erlebt eine Wueste, keine Lebensraum- welche Lehren aus Fehlern der Vergangenheit- die Verantwortung der Verbraucher- Konsumenten haben eine enorme Marktmacht- Der Kassenbon zementiert schlimme Zustaende ( Apple Herstellung in China, unmenschliche Arbeitsvertraege , fragwuerdig soziale Bedingungen).


--Become the cutting edge: challenge yourself with "higher than you" assignments, with a higher profile.


--Surround yourself with people that are achievers, complement your skills, and you start thinking like "them"..


--Focus on your strenghts: got turned down or failed a test? You are not alone, but probably were simply not ready! So get up and going and start acting. Rejection is natural when going for a job interview, but try to isolate the cause "on the spot": "Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to be interviewed today, I learned a lot and am kindly requesting your inputs on how to improve...". A properly trained HR professional will not shy away from telling you what went wrong!


--Personal growth, Opportunities to rise: Do you have a white board at home? Draw a decision tree and you will be amazed how many more solutions and/or options you will find in your hunt for a job, or family matters, or any subject!


-- Focus: What is Focus? Focus= Clarity and alertness


--Excellence: Let us give you some ideas....

---- Encompass Excellence on a daily basis- it starts with a smiley and friendly face!

---- Excellence is a qualitative Phenomenon;... is not restricted to the "talented ones";... is mundane IAW the article "The mundanity of excellence" by Daniel Chambliss:

--- Qualitative change through technique, discipline, and attitude: doing more of what you already have mastered will not lead to improvement!

--- magnify your individual strenght through surrounding yourself with people that complement you! Most often, you cannot succeed on your own.

--- establish short term goals, start small, develop a pattern of success and growth that you can accomplish. Next is to add goals and further growth...What is the quality of your preparation? Will it create excellent results?


-- Poitivity, Creativity, Focus, Energy, Confidence


-- Contemplate, Connect with other smart and successful entrepreneurs, biz owners and creators

-- no penny pincher: get VIP access to attend elite events to connect with smartest people

-- connect with successful people, industry rebels- don't do it yourself

-- one elegant solution/ idea is worth more than hundreds of half hearted ideas

-- and

-- become a member for annual US $25.000,00!




John C Maxwell- the 21 Laws of leadership


1. The Law of the lid- leadership determines the level of effectiveness

2. The Law of Influence- The true measure of leadership is influence- nothing more, nothing less

3. The Law of Process- Leadership develops daily, not in a day

4. The Law of Navigation- Anyone can steer a ship, but it takes a leader to chart the course

5. The Law of E.F. Hutton- When the real leader speaks, people isten

6. The Law of Solid ground- Trust is the foundation of Leadership

7. The Law of Respect- people naturally follow leaders stronger than themselves

8. The Law of Intuition- leaders evaluate everything through a leadership bias

9. The Law of magnetism- Who you are is who you attract

10. The Law of Connection- leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand

11. The Law of the inner circle- A leader's potential is determined by those closest to them.

12. The Law of Empowerment- Only secure leaders give power to others

13. The Law of Reproduction- it takes a leader to raise up a leader

14. The Law of Buy-In- people buy into the leader, then the vision

15. The Law of Victory- leaders find a way for the team to succeed

16. The Law of the Big Mo- momentum is a leaders best friend

17. The Law of Priorities- Leaders understand that activity is not necessarily acomplishment

18. The Law of sacrifice- A leader must give up to go up

19. The Law of Timing- When to lead is as important as what to do and where to go

20. The Law of explosive growth- To add growth, lead multiply, lead leaders

21. The Law of Legacy- A leader's lasting value is measured by succession.

John C. Maxwell- from ordinary to Extraordinary- how?




--- "Opportunity is never lost, it is just passed to someone else who "gets it"


--- Let's change...:

1. Control your destiny

2. Face the reality "as is"

3. Be candid with everyone

4. Don't manage Lead

5. Change before you have to

6. If you don't have a competitive advantage, don't compete


--- Just do it:

- add value to someone else

- be successful and the live's of others

- Conquer the temptation to..give up!

- Be a river...that streams around any stone!

- Become a turtle on the..fence post ( extraordinary people got help getting there


--- Ace it:

- create a force from within, who ( your workers, co-workers, part timers etc. ) do not necessarily ask for permission to "Act". Foster a culture of "synergized, cooperative proactivity"

- hire strategically- some folks like to work afternoon or overnite!

- "winners will always give it a shot, to try"

- Think Sharktank- negate a 4 Mio buy-out offer if you believe your biz is worth much more than this...

- Have an idea? Get rollin, the market and consumer will tell you whether its gonna work or not.

- Always, i mean ALWAYS foster a work athmosphere that permit creative thinking, cooperation and a co-orker or part time worker that radiates Optimism, Happiness and eagerness to contribute!


--- "Thor" it:


- DIRECT your opponent

Educate    Motivate
Mentor/Lead   Vision/Goals
   Team Work  

Rules for being a respected leader


--- Be growth minded! Your possibility/opportunity will come

--- Natural aptitude and personal passion= IGNITE!

--- create a culture that unleashes the inner talents of each worker! "Unlock" your followers...

--- Show yourself and participate, mingle with your workers

--- You as the boss are held accountable as any worker, foster that culture

--- A conversation vs. Command communication

Stephen Covey: The 7 Habits of highly effective People



1. Be proactive

Take initiative in life by realizing that your decisions (and how they align with life's principles) are the primary determining factor for effectiveness in your life. Take responsibility for your choices and the consequences that follow.

2. Begin with the end in mind

Self-discover and clarify your deeply important character values and life goals. Envision the ideal characteristics for each of your various roles and relationships in life.

3. Put first things first
A manager must manage his own person. Personally. And managers should implement activities that aim to reach the second habit. Covey says that rule two is the mental creation; rule three is the physical creation.


4. Think win-win

Genuinely strive for mutually beneficial solutions or agreements in your relationships. Value and respect people by understanding a "win" for all is ultimately a better long-term resolution than if only one person in the situation had got his way.

5. Seek first to understand, then to be understood

Use empathic listening to be genuinely influenced by a person, which compels them to reciprocate the listening and take an open mind to being influenced by you. This creates an atmosphere of caring, and positive problem solving.

6. Synergize

Combine the strengths of people through positive teamwork, so as to achieve goals no one person could have done alone.

----Continuous improvements

7. Sharpen the saw

Balance and renew your resources, energy, and health to create a sustainable, long-term, effective lifestyle. It primarily emphasizes exercise for physical renewal, prayer (meditation, yoga, etc.) and good reading for mental renewal. It also mentions service to society for spiritual renewal.

"Upward Spiral" model in the sharpening the saw section. Through our conscience, along with meaningful and consistent progress, the spiral will result in growth, change, and constant improvement. In essence, one is always attempting to integrate and master the principles outlined in The 7 Habits at progressively higher levels at each iteration. Subsequent development on any habit will render a different experience and you will learn the principles with a deeper understanding. The Upward Spiral model consists of three parts: learn, commit, do. According to Covey, one must be increasingly educating the conscience in order to grow and develop on the upward spiral. The idea of renewal by education will propel one along the path of personal freedom, security, wisdom, and power

Innovate Disruption- the new Rebel


-- disrupt and you change the "old anticipated" outcome

--- example: the old Bockbuster stores and nowadays Netflix or RedBox!


-- challenge reason and popular thought: surprise and delight your surrounding, your customer base, your peers!




- do the homework

--- research the respective and appropriate market

--- learn about and appraise your competition

--- assessment: where does your new product stand? I it really new?

--- IT IS TRULY UNIQUE: Uniqueness means protecting it: file a patent! Does protecting your idea=patent justify the expenses? ( 5k-xxx per patent, in general) Think copycats...

--- How much you want to spend for development of your product?

--- Location of manufacturing- at home?

--- Material: Plastic versus metal etc.

--- Sales location, what's the price of the product?

--- SECURE SALE before MANUFACTURING IT: Market your invention/idea via more "SHOW" than "TELL"


-- Must work hard to get customers/marketing-customer service- money management-employee management/define your core biz, the one that pays the bills- entrepreneurs have many ideas/ have a biz buddy to brainstorm/work with experts when book keeping, taxation, invoices etc./ Entrepreneurs wear special hat(s): marketer, sales person, project mgr, product development, book keeper etc...TIME management!


Caruth Institute for Entrepreneurship at SMU, Dallas, TX

Entrepreneur- what kind of


Book: "Crazy is a compliment- the power of zigging when everyone else zags" by Linda Rottenberg


Be: follow your vision but get input from others/ Share the spotlight and success/ always listen to learn/distribute the credit and reap ins

Be: if you create an organization, deliver what you promise/ assemble a team that complements your strenghts

Be: a forward thinker/ innovate but with implementation to deliver on your ideals/ unique and do not sell out to large corporations

Be: creative/ aware of your weaknesses and tendecies/useful of our strenght

Where to Find Us:

Melaaromile Network Solutions LLC
P.O. Box 4302

Wichita Falls, TX 76310

Phone: 940 3373539

What's New

Work in the Alps,on a farm and live/eat for free in return-= check it out under the travel tab...

empty charter legs- check it out!


Are you a Space Junky? Go check out millions of public accesssible pictures:


Do you know what episodic memory is and what its susceptibility to failure can lead to? Its failure is normally called Amnesia, or worst case: "AD- Altzheimers"


Quantum Computers are coming!


Acreage with Blueberry and Goji berry groves


TBD- promotions and affiliates


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